[PowerShell] Getting More From Generic Error Messages.

There’s more to $error than meets the eye.

What we know already:

SQL Server has some really stupid, generic error messages.
Case in point…

String or binary data would be truncated.

Yes, we know what it means but what column would be truncated? What value would be the offender here?
I am okay with not having the exact answer but it would be nice to have more!

What I learned:

PowerShell actually has some pretty generic error messages as well.
Since I am using PowerShell mainly for interacting with multiple SQL instances, my PowerShell errors mainly revolve around SQL Server.
So this error message is not helpful.


(I’m slightly colour-blind so I can barely read red on blue, I find this green (yellow?) easier)

Can we get more?

Sure we can but let’s set up an example so you can play-along at home too.

First of all, what PowerShell version are we using?

Latest as of…when I updated it

Great! So let us add in our assemblies that will allow us to connect to SQL Server using SMO.

# Load the assembly since we probably do not have it loaded
This is technically depreciated but I’m not going to remember that whole location…

Now I like the results showing up but if you don’t want them, just throw a $null =  before the [System.Re... bit.

# SILENTLY load the assembly since we probably do not have it loaded
$null = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo')

Now let us connect to mine (or your) database to run some scripts against it.

# Connect to the instance and database
$SQLInstance = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server 'localhost'
$Database = New-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Database
$Database = $SQLInstance.Databases.Item('Pantheon')

Everything is getting thrown into a variable/object here so there is going to be no output. Just change the ‘localhost’ bit to your server and ‘Pantheon’ to your test database.

Now, let’s get our T-SQL on!

# Create our T-SQL statement.
$sql = 'SELECT SERVERPROPERTY('ProductLevel') AS What?, SERVERPROPERTY('ProductVersion') AS Huh?;'
PowerShell & SQL…

You can see the first problem we run into here. The single quotation marks are breaking up our statement.
There are 2 fixes for this; we can double quotation mark the start and end of the string e.g. "SELECT ..." or we can do what we normally do in SQL Server and double up the single quotation marks e.g. (''ProductLevel'').
I’ve gone with the latter but hey, you choose, go crazy, whatever you want!

So now we have this:

You can probably already spot the error here from a T-SQL viewpoint…

Now let us run this against our database and see what happens.

# Execute with results...kinda like it says...

The whole reason for this blog post i.e. stupid, generic error message.

Now ignoring the fact that you already know what is wrong, this tells me that there is either something wrong with the $Database variable, the $sql variable or the syntax statement. Maybe even something else though!
This is not helpful and I’m going to have a bad time.

I encountered this lately and thanks to Chrissy LeMaire ( b | t ), I was introduced to the $error variable.
You can look up what this guy does by running the following on PowerShell,

help about_automatic_variables -showwindow

but the main point is that $error …

Contains an array of error objects that represent the most
recent errors. The most recent error is the first error object in the
array ($Error[0]).

So we want more information about our error message so we go…


And we get…

…well at least I can read it easier…

the same…
This…this is not what I wanted.
Thankfully, the defintion states that it is an error object and we know that objects can have more properties than what is shown be default.

So we try again, making sure that we return everything

# More than Generic
$Error[0] | Select-Object *
Great, now “More than a Feeling” is stuck in my head…

Bingo, that is a lot more helpful! Especially when we scan the results and we see this guy (highlighted)

You saw that that was going to be it, right?

We may be working with PowerShell but we still have to obey SQL Server’s rules. So if we want to have a column with a question mark, we’re going to need to wrap it in square brackets.
So let’s fix up our $sql variable and try again.

# fix me!
$sql = 'SELECT SERVERPROPERTY(''ProductLevel'') AS [What?], SERVERPROPERTY(''ProductVersion'') AS [Huh?];'

We re-run out execute…

#Execute with results...kinda like it says...


Those are stupid columns names, to be fair…

Like a sheepdog, let’s round it up:

I’m liking PowerShell more and more as I use it.

That is mainly outside of work but I’ve already turned my gathering of daily checks data from a half hour long process to a 2 minute one.

So it’s nice to know that, while it may have stupid, generic error messages, it also has the tools to help you with them.

Now if we could only get the tools to deal with “String or binary data would be truncated”…


SQL Server Configuration Manager: Where has it gone?

Why this blog post?

Now this is a short one.

A while back I was testing attempting to access SQL Server using a defined port number.

To do that, you have to access SQL Server Configuration Manager to specify the port number, or at least I think you do (If you don’t have to do it this way, please, oh please, let me know!).

So, since my laptop is running on Windows10, I open up the Start menu, type in “config” and…nothing!
No SQL Server Configuration Manager! The closest I got was the configuration manager for Reporting Server.

I’m shocked by this especially because when I type it into the Start menu now, I get…

Windows 10 making a liar out of me…

Ignoring the fact that it shows up in the result pane now, I had to go to MSDN and figure out where it’s default path is.

But WHY this blog post?

Well it turns out that, for me, the default path is now in…


I say “<nn>” because it’s a number dependant on what version of SQL Server that you are running.
For example, I have a 2012, a 2014 and a 2016 version on my laptop so I have 3 versions of SQL Server Configuration Manager.

I may have been msc-taken, get it? 🙂

Seriously, is that it?

Nope, that ain’t it.

Opening up Windows Explorer, going all the way down to that level just to get the config manager? Ain’t nobody got time for that!

They say “imitation is the greatest form of flattery” so taking ideas garnered from dbatools and the fact that I’m just finished a pre-con for SQL Saturday Boston in PowerShell from Mike Fal ( b | t ), thank you Andy Mallon ( b | t ) for pushing me out of my comfort zone even if it was only to just sign up!, I’ve created a little PowerShell script to let me choose and open a SQL Server Configuration Manager.

Check it out! And let me know what you think.

Script me!

Get-ChildItem -Path C:\Windows\sysWOW64\ -Filter &quot;*SQLServerManager*&quot; |
Out-GridView -PassThru |


Seriously “OutGridView -PassThru” should get an award!

Now, I only have 2014 service up on this time so when Out-GridView pops up, I’m going to choose SQLServerManager12.msc and click “Ok”

This doesn’t count as a GUI!

Which will open up our “missing” configuration manager!

I may have just been doing something stupid though…


PowerShell! Helping make my life easier since…whenever I actually figure it out. 😐

Gotta Love That LIKE

LIKE a function… now the song is stuck in your head!
… I’m not sorry…

Start: (‘abc%’)

Ever heard of “Osmosis”? You know, the…

process of gradual or unconscious assimilation of ideas, knowledge, etc.

For the longest time, that was how I thought people learned in SQL Server. You hang around a technology for long enough and the information about it slowly trickles into your brain.

I would hazard that the vast majority of people learn like this. They work with something long enough and slowly they develop, if not a mastery of the subject, then a familiarity with it.

That’s how I learned Transact-SQL anyway.
Working in a help desk, trouble-shooting stored procedures and ad hoc statements; cranking out reports left, right and center, slowly absorbing the differences between INNERLEFT, RIGHT, and FULL joins. Realizing that there is a vast difference between excluding results with a WHERE clause and with a HAVING clause.

Ahh good times!

However, now I’m in the mindset that if you really want to learn something then study it; purposefully and deliberately.

And with all the new features being released for SQL Server 2016, you would be amazed at what I can learn about features that were released in SQL Server 2008.

So here’s some little known facts I learned about LIKE

Middle: (‘%lmnop%’)

Safe to say, that we’ve all used LIKE, we’ve all seen LIKE, and we’re probably all going to continue to use LIKE.
But are we using it to the best of our ability?
I wasn’t.

So let’s test out this bad boy using the WideWorldImporters database, see if we can find everyone with the first name of Leyla.

Simple right? And because [Sales].[Customers] uses the full name, we have to use LIKE.

SELECT CustomerName
, CustomerID
FROM Sales.Customers
WHERE CustomerName LIKE 'Leyla%';

Now a developer comes along and says “Wait a second, my sister is Leila”. So we try to cheat and add a wildcard in there.

SELECT CustomerName
, CustomerID
FROM Sales.Customers
WHERE CustomerName LIKE 'le%a%';
…you got me on my knees…

Leonardo!? Well I suppose he does count in this situation, but there’s 2 characters between the ‘e’ and the ‘a’ and I only wanted one.

Well you can specify only 1 wildcard with the LIKE function by using the underscore (‘_’), so let’s try that.

SELECT CustomerName
, CustomerID
FROM Sales.Customers
WHERE CustomerName LIKE 'Le_la%';
…singing darlin’ please…

Yes, I cheated and inserted that extra name ‘Lejla’.

Call it Poetic Licence but I only used it to show that we still have options if this is not the results that we want. We are only interested in ‘Leyla’ and ‘Leila’.

‘Lejla’, while a lovely name I’m sure, is not what we require right this second. So what are we to do?

Well, did you know that LIKE has the range function as well? What’s range got to do with it? Well, what happens if we only put in a range of 2 characters?

SELECT CustomerName
, CustomerID
FROM Sales.Customers
WHERE CustomerName LIKE 'Le[iy]la%';
….darlin’ won’t you hear my foolish cry!

There we go! Only the results that we want and none of that Lejla, Leonardo business.

Now you could argue with me (I encourage it actually. How else am I to learn?) and say that you would never do it this way. That it is much easier to do something along the lines of this:

SELECT CustomerName
, CustomerID
FROM Sales.Customers
WHERE CustomerName LIKE 'Leyla%'
OR CustomerName LIKE 'Leila%';

I’ll admit that the above reads a lot easier, but it doesn’t scale very well though. What happens if we want to include the Leala, Lebla, Lecla,….all the way to Lenla’s? Are you going to write out 15 different clauses? 1 for each different character?

SELECT CustomerName
, CustomerID
FROM Sales.Customers
WHERE CustomerName LIKE 'Leyla%'
OR CustomerName LIKE 'Leila%'
OR ....
OR ...
OR ..
OR .

Or are you going to go back to ranges and do a clean, efficient, single range?

SELECT CustomerName
, CustomerID
FROM Sales.Customers
WHERE CustomerName LIKE 'Le[a-ny]la%';

Now I’d argue that that is a lot more readable than an endless list of OR clauses tacked on to the end of a script.

Oh wait, it’s Layla isn’t it? Not Leyla!

End: (‘%xyz’)

There is a lot more you can do with the LIKE function. Just because you may encounter this little guy every day does not mean that you know it.

Check out the documentation on MSDN. There’s information there like Pattern Matching with the ESCAPE Clause and different wildcard characters.

Don’t shy away from the fundamentals. Every little bit that you learn can and more than likely will be used to improve your skills and make you better.

Hopefully these little tidbits of knowledge will sink in…just like osmosis 🙂

Turning off Passive Voice spell-check in Word 2016

First, non SQL Server/PowerShell post…not sure I like this…

tl;dr : File | Options | Proofing | Settings | Passive Sentences

Words: 470

Reading Time: ~2.5 minutes

Warning: This is barely SQL Server/PowerShell related. It is Microsoft product related if that helps?

In the beginning…

One thing that I am starting to appreciate more and more as time goes by is Documentation.

If you’ve ever worked on a system with no documentation in place then you know of the frustration, heartbreak and rage that this instills when you’re trying to get to know the system, or even trying to troubleshoot something on that sytem.

But even the act of writing documentation can have some benefits, I’d argue that you would be hard-pressed to find something that forces you to learn about a topic more than trying to write clear and concise documentation for someone else.

What’s your problem?…

In a strange side-effect of trying to become more responsible as a DBA, I’ve actually inherited a slight case of obsessiveness about certain things.

Words need to be spelled correctly, uppercase words need to be in uppercase, and with regard to this post…


It’s documentation. Now I can understand that, depending on your work environment,  you can write in a more upbeat and active way. But for documentation, I don’t see anything wrong with this sentence:

Provision one (1) domain account, with no privileges, per service that will be run.

More like Passive Aggressive…

I’m fully expecting the paper clip guy to appear any second and start spouting “Looks like you’re writing in the Passive Voice…”

Calm yourself Word…

When this blue squiggly line (it is blue, right? I’m slightly colourblind) started to pop up everywhere on my document, and after checking things three times, I figured enough is enough and went about turning this off.

Here’s how I did it so that you can to!

Now I’m lucky enough that work have MS Word 2016, so if you have an older version YMMV. If you don’t have any version of Word, then your mileage will vary!

  • Go to “File | Options | Proofing” and scroll down to the section marked “When correcting spelling and grammar in Word”.
I’m probably not going to touch all these…
  • Click the “Settings…” button beside the ” Writing Style:” and “Grammer and Style” dropdown box. This should open up the following window.
Passive Sentences!!! Grr!!!
  • Uncheck the “Passive sentences” checkbox and click “OK”. Click “OK” on the “Proofing” window as well and you should get back to your main Word screen.

And here is where the magic happens. Our blue (purple?) squiggly lines have disappeared!


Wrap it up…

You could just click ignore when spell-checking but I tried that. It ignores it once and then the moment that it spell-checks again, it picks up these “errors” again. If there is one thing worse then errors, it’s repeating errors.

Plus isn’t that part of we, as DBAs strive for?

We’re not content with just the quick fix, but want to identify and correct the underlying problem.

Makes it easier in the long run…

T-SQL Tuesday #86: SQL Server Bugs & Enhancement Requests

The Good, the Bad, and the Bug-ly.

The Good, the Bad, and the Bug-ly.

This month’s T-SQL Tuesday is brought to us by Brent Ozar ( work | personal | tweets ) and has to do with SQL Server Bugs and Enhancement requests on Microsoft Connect.

Now the reason that this is the topic of this month’s T-SQL Tuesday is nicely spelled out by the host himself:

Now, more than ever, Microsoft has started to respond to Connect requests and get ’em fixed not just in upcoming versions of SQL Server, but even in cumulative updates for existing versions.

If you’ve kept an ear to the ground and an eye out on the social media, (seriously get on Twitter if you haven’t already; with #sqlhelp and #sqlfamily, you’ll never be alone, stuck, and/or bored again), you’d realise that this is true. Microsoft has engaged more than ever with it’s audiences, from hiring a PowerShell developer to actively engaging in various Trello Channels. So much so that a twitterbot was created to keep track of Connect items closed as fixed (Closed As Fixed) by MVP Chrissy LeMaire ( blog | tweets ).

Shameless Plug:

Now, I happen to have a Connect item and I’m going to link to it here. I can do this as this blog shares a commonality with Lesley Gore’s birthday party song. (It’s mine and I can cry if I want to)

The Good…

First of all, lets see what we’re running on here…




I really should be doing these against SQL Server 2016… 🙁

First contender: Inserting to an indexed view can fail

What would happen if I told you that, with regards to a view, sometimes inserting into the table could fail? Well that’s what this Connect item from Dave_Ballantyne found, along with the reason.

    Id integer not null,
    InView char(1) not null,
    SomeData varchar(255) not null

    LEFT(SomeData, CHARINDEX('x', SomeData) - 1) AS leftfromx
    InView ='Y'




Now that we have the groundwork laid out, it’s time for our insert attempt:

DECLARE @id integer,
@inview char(1),
@Somedata char(50)

SELECT @id = 1,
@inview = 'N',
@Somedata = 'a'

INSERT INTO myTable(Id, InView, SomeData)
SELECT @id, @inview, @Somedata


Do you see a LEFT() or SUBSTRING() ANYWHERE there???

He’s even gone so far as to give an explanation as to why this happens!

This is due to the compute scalar being executed prior to the filter.

Taking a look at the estimated execution plan, we can see that he’s right!

Let’s do it first, then see if we should have!

Imagine trying to troubleshoot what was causing the inserts to fail? Horrible! I can imagine tearing my hair out at that one!

I have this done as “The Good” just for the fact that, not content to just report the bug, Dave_Ballantyne even went so far as to find the possible cause. Now it’s just up to Microsoft to get to the fixing…

…The Bad…

Next up, we have moody31415 with “Can’t create Materialized View that references same table twice


CREATE TABLE test (A int)
SELECT t1.A, t2.A as A2
FROM dbo.test T1
JOIN dbo.test T2 ON T1.A=T2.A

The problem occurs when we try to add a unique clustered index on this bad boy:

on dbo.vTest (A, A2)


Ever get those times where you just can’t stand yourself?

Now, I originally put this down as “The Bad” because I thought that the issue could be down to trying essentially index the same column twice but that’s not the case…

CREATE TABLE dbo.B (col1 tinyint, col2 tinyint)
CREATE VIEW dbo.SecondOne
SELECT t1.col1, t2.col2
FROM dbo.B AS t1
JOIN dbo.B AS t2 ON t1.col1 = t2.col1
ON dbo.SecondOne (col1, col2)


…I mean After-A-Massive-Meal-Cant-Stand-Yourself

In the end, the reason that I have this in “The Bad” section is that I went to the documentation and read this part…

The SELECT statement in the view definition must not contain the following Transact-SQL elements: […] self-joins […]

Now it’s unknown whether this was there when this Connect item was created, but it’s there now (and I didn’t have enough time to re-plan this blog post)

…and The Bug-ly.

In my quest through the magical lands of Connect I stumbled across this little beauty of a bug by Anatoly V. Popov that I had to mention as “The Bug-ly”.

Altering indexed view silently removes all indexes

Yes, I know it’s the same as my one but dammit if I don’t think it’s a bug! That’s why it’s getting my “The Bug-ly” title.
This leaves me with a bit of a conundrum though…Do I close mine and comment on this one to get re-opened? Or do I try and continue to push on my one?

To be honest I don’t know which option to choose but, for anyone new to SQL Server, filing a Connect Item is an exciting but nerve-wracking time.
Exciting because you’ve worked with SQL Server enough to think you know how something should be done.
However, it’s nerve-wracking because you haven’t worked with SQL Server for long enough to know if you are just whining or have an actual item to be taken seriously.

Finding this Connect item was a small little shot of validation for me. Just a little something to say “Hey, I thought this too and I’m with you”.


It’s a great thing that Microsoft have started to respond to the Connect Items again and going through them you realise how different people are using SQL Server in ways that you didn’t even think to imagine.

So check out a few, leave your comment and up-vote/down-vote as you see fit.

Just…just don’t be this guy please




Understanding “Scan Counts 0, Logical Reads N”

So yesterday, the 30th of November, was Arun Sirpal’s (b | t) birthday and as a birthday present, he challenged me to write a blog post.

Now I’ll admit that I didn’t have any plan to write a blog post before I got the challenge as I’ve been steadily getting busier with work/study/other commitments, so apologies if it’s a bit long, rambling, and not thought through fully.

Anyway, happy birthday Arun, here’s your blog post:

Understanding “Scan Counts 0, Logical Reads N”

Have you ever run SET STATISTICS IO ON; ?

I’ll confess that I do it a lot, especially when I am performance tuning. Yet, like most things in SQL Server, I don’t fully understand it…yet!

Now don’t get me wrong, the little that I understand is extremely helpful, but recently I had a case where I didn’t understand the output of STATISTICS IO , and asking my Senior DBA got me the look from him that I come to think of as ‘The You_Are_Either_Joking_Or_You_Are_Being_Stupid_Again Look’.

So to document my stupidity, here’s the question for that look.

How come the Logical Reads from STATISTICS IO are so high when it says Scan count is 0?

tl;dr – They are related but not exactly a 1:1 relationship. Plus a scan count of 0 does not mean that the object wasn’t used at all.

Logical Reads:

Let us just get this definition out of the way as it’s very short, sweet, and to the point. Logical Reads are the…

Number of pages read from the data cache.

Right, great, got’cha. Logical reads, 8kb pages, read from the data cache. If your STATISTICS IO reports logical reads 112 then you’ve read 112 pages from the cache. Simples!

Scan Count:

This is the blighter that got me the look…well more like ‘my misunderstanding of what Scan Count means’ got me the look but it still holds my contempt at this moment in time.

My previous intuitions about this guy was…

“Scan count is the number of hits the table/index received”
(THIS IS NOT CORRECT! …and why it isn’t down as a full quote).

Let’s check out the definition again and see what it has to say for itself.
Scan count is the…

Number of seeks/scans started after reaching the leaf level in any direction to retrieve all the values to construct the final dataset for the output.

That’s a very specific definition isn’t it? It’s not all of the definition though, there’s more! And it is this “more” that I want to focus on.

Testing The Defintions

First, things first, let us set up our query environment.

USE [tempdb];


Next paragraph…

Scan count is 0 if the index used is a unique index or clustered index on a primary key and you are seeking for only one value. For example WHERE Primary_Key_Column = <value>.

Well let’s see about that!

CREATE TABLE dbo.Unique_DefinedUnique
INSERT INTO dbo.Unique_DefinedUnique (col1)
SELECT x.n FROM (VALUES (1), (2), (3), (4), (5)) AS x(n);

ON dbo.Unique_DefinedUnique ( col1 )

SELECT col1 FROM dbo.Unique_DefinedUnique WHERE col1 = 1;

okay…maybe it does…

Never mind, the next paragraph please!

Scant count is 1 when you are searching for one value using a non-unique clustered index which is defined on a non-primary key column. This is done to check for duplicate values for the key value that you are searching for. For example WHERE Clustered_Index_Key_Column = <value>.

I don’t believe you!

CREATE TABLE dbo.Unique_NotDefinedUnique
INSERT INTO dbo.Unique_NotDefinedUnique (col2) VALUES (1), (2), (3), (4), (5);

CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX nci_Unique_NotDefinedUnique_col2
ON dbo.Unique_NotDefinedUnique ( col2 )

SELECT col2 FROM dbo.Unique_NotDefinedUnique WHERE col2 = 1;

Fine…you got me there too…

Final bit!

Scan count is N when N is the number of different seek/scan started towards the left or right side at the leaf level after locating a key value using the index key.

Hmmm, so if we have duplicate values, then this will happen?…
Nah, ridiculous!

CREATE TABLE dbo.NotUnique

INSERT INTO dbo.NotUnique (col3)
('A'), ('A'), ('B'), ('B'), ('C'), ('C'), ('D'), ('D'), ('E'), ('E'),
('F'), ('F'), ('G'), ('G'), ('H'), ('H'), ('I'), ('I'), ('J'), ('J');
GO 2

ON dbo.NotUnique ( col3 )

--Let's try it with 2 and then 3!!!

SELECT col3 FROM dbo.NotUnique
WHERE col3 = 'A' OR col3 = 'B'

SELECT col3 FROM dbo.NotUnique
WHERE col3 = 'A' OR col3 = 'B' OR col3 = 'C'

Alright, alright! I was an idiot!

Putting away my toys…

DROP TABLE dbo.Unique_DefinedUnique, dbo.Unique_NotDefinedUnique, dbo.NotUnique;

Round Up:

I was confused about the Scan count being 0 but logical reads not being 0. How can the scan count not actually scan/seek anything?

But it is scanning/seeking!

Read the Scan Count definition again…I’ll capitalize the words that I glossed over

Number of seeks/scans STARTED AFTER REACHING THE LEAF LEVEL in any direction to retrieve all the values to construct the final dataset for the output.

Scan count of 0 occurs when there is a unique index or clustered index on a primary key and you are seeking for only one value. The word of the day is…”Unique”.

So because the unique index looking for a unique value in a column guaranteed to be unique, it’s not so much that the query isn’t looking for a value, it’s more that  once the query reaches the leaf level it already knows that it’s on the value it needs!
Since it doesn’t look any more “after reaching the leaf level”, the scan count is allowed to be 0.

This explains why, if the value is unique but not guaranteed to be so (either the index, value, or column is not guaranteed unique) the query has to do 1 scan/seek to check that the next value isn’t what it wants.
Therefore, Scan Count will be 1…

And I’ll leave it as an exercise to figure out why Scan Count N is Scan Count N.
(Hint: it’s because Scan Count N)

Take Away:

I sometimes find the documentation dry and not terribly interesting but I don’t like the “You_Are_Either_Joking_Or_You_Are_Being_Stupid_Again” look more.
So read the documentation, study what you are doing, know why things do what they do…

It’ll save you some funny looks off of people. 🙂

The Danger of Disabled Logins

When disabling sysadmin logins just ain’t enough

words: 691

Reading Time: ~3 minutes


I’m becoming more and more of a fan of Powershell the more that I interact with it. And I’m a big fan of the work that those over at dbatools are doing (seriously, check it out and also check out their Slack channel).

So when reading an article by Steve Jones (b|t) that mentions using Powershell, especially dbatools, I took immediate attention!

However, while reading the blog, what jumped out at me was the fact that dbatools copies the logins and the passwords. I think that’s epic and saves so much hassle, especially with migrations and environment creation.

But when you script out a login in SSMS, you get the following “warning comment” (and this comes straight from Microsoft) :

/* For security reasons the login is created disabled and with a random password. */

I understand why you don’t want to script out a login’s password for security reasons but disabling it…does that even do anything?

Something that I only recently learned is that, for logins with high privileges, disabling them is not enough; they must be removed.

Overkill, I hear you say?

Example, I retort!


I will admit that for my example to work, there needs to be help from a member of the securityadmin server role login. So for this example we’re going to have…

  1. A disabled sysadmin login,
  2. A “compromised” securityadmin login,
  3. An “attacking” low-privilege login.

Window 1 (High Permission Account):

-- Create a high privilege login (HPL)
    WITH PASSWORD = '1m5trong15wear!';

    ADD MEMBER AllThePower;

-- Disable it.

-- Create a &quot;compromised&quot; login
    WITH PASSWORD = 'AlreadyHereButCompromised';

-- Make them part of security so can grant permissions
ALTER SERVER ROLE securityadmin
    ADD MEMBER Enabler;

-- Create a low privilege login (LPL)
    WITH PASSWORD = 'NotAsStrongButDoesntMatter';



So now we have all our actors created, we need to connect to the database with all 3 accounts.

Simple as “Connect” -> “Database Engine” -> Change to SQL Auth. and put in the details above for who you want.

Window 2 (CopyCat):

First things first, check who we are and who can we see?

-- Who are we?
    SUSER_NAME() AS LoginName,
    USER_NAME() AS UserName;

-- Who can we see?
FROM sys.server_principals;


We can’t see “Enabler” or “AllThePower”

Okay, so we can’t see it but we know that it’s there.

Let’s just cut to the chase and start “God-mode”

-- Can we get all the power

It was worth a shot…

Can we impersonate it?

-- Can we impersonate AllThePower
    SUSER_NAME() AS LoginName,
    USER_NAME() AS UserName;


I’ve put the different possibilities on individual lines…We “do not have permission” btw

Time to go to our compromised account:

Window 3 (Enabler):

Now, who are we and what can we see?

Sauron: I SEE YOU!

Notice that “Enabler” as part of securityadmin can see the disabled “AllThePower” login?

Great, we can see it, so let’s promote our CopyCat login!

Look but don’t touch

So even though we’re now a member of the securityadmin role, we still can’t promote our login!

I think you’d be safe in thinking that people would give up here, but we know from server_principals that “AllThePower” is there, even though it’s disabled!

So even though we don’t have the ability to promote our login, we do have something that we can do in our power.


-- Give CopyCat Grant permission

Every little helps

Window 2 (CopyCat):

Now can we impersonate our Disabled login?

Whoooo are you? Who-oo? Who-oo?

And can we get all the power?

I know an uh-oh moment when I see it…

Finally, we’ll revert our impersonation and see if we actually are sysadmin?

-- Go back
SUSER_NAME() AS LoginName,
USER_NAME() AS UserName;

-- Are we superuser?


And now I can do whatever I feel like, anything at all!


I’m a fan of removing high-permission accounts that are not needed but I’ve never put into words why. Now I know why disabling is just not enough and, for me, removing them is the option.

sp_rename to change schema?

words: 519

Reading time: ~2.5 minutes

The Set Up:

Recently I was asked by a developer whether they could use sp_rename to change the schema of a table.

I said no but I realised that I don’t know for sure as I’ve never tried it this way.

Granted I have never needed to when we have such a descriptive command like ALTER SCHEMA.

So I tested to see if sp_rename could change the schema of a table and thought I would share my results.

Here they are:


Script 1:

SELECT [Schema Name] = SCHEMA_NAME([schema_id]),
 [Table Name] = [name]
 FROM sys.tables
 WHERE [name] = N'Alphanumeric';


Now taking a look at the documentation for “sp_rename”, turns out all we need is

  1. the current name,
  2. the new name we want to call it, and
  3. an optional object type (which I’ll include because I like typing).

So with that, it seems simple to run the following…

Script 2:

 EXEC sp_rename
 @objname = N'dbo.Alphanumeric',
 @newname = N'deleteable.Alphanumeric',
 @objtype = 'OBJECT';

That error message! I enjoy that error message 🙂

So now all there is left to do is check if it worked, so we run our first script again and we get???:


I repeat the above: eh…what???

Where did my table go???

Please tell me I didn’t delete the table? It’s a test system and I took a backup before starting but it’s a whole lot of hassle to recreate the table.

However, on a whim, I changed my first query to use a LIKE:

Script 3:


So I haven’t changed the schema? I’ve renamed it to be dbo.deletable.Alphanumeric?

Is that even query-able?

SELECT * FROM dbo.deleteable.Alphanumeric; -- Fails!

SELECT * FROM [dbo].[deleteable.Alphanumeric]; -- Works!

Okay, let’s just change it back quickly and pretend it never happened:

Script 4:

EXEC sp_rename
@objname = N'deletable.Alphanumeric',
@newname = N'Alphanumeric',
@objtype = 'OBJECT';

You’re killing me!!

Okay, okay maybe it’s like the SELECT statement and I need to wrap it in square brackets?

Script 5:

EXEC sp_rename
@objname = N'[deletable.Alphanumeric]',
@newname = N'[Alphanumeric]',
@objtype = 'OBJECT';

I count that as a metaphorical middle finger to me…

Maybe we’re being too specific?

Script 6:

EXEC sp_rename '[deleteable.Alphanumeric]', 'Alphanumeric';
Hopes are up…

A quick run of our first script to confirm?

…and we’re back to normal!!!

Now, as to why that syntax works but the others don’t…I have no idea.

I will try and figure that out (fodder for another blog post 🙂 ) but I’m going to need a few more coffees before I go touch that again.


It’s a bit sad though… all that hassle for something that didn’t even work in the end?

Now, lets check out the documentation of “ALTER SCHEMA”.

  1. where we are changing it to, and
  2. what we’re changing.

Seems simple, but then so did sp_rename and that burnt me.

Script 7:

Give my “deleteable” the “dbo.Alphanumeric” object!

A quick check to see if it actually worked as I’m not swayed anymore just by a lack of warnings:


Sum it up:

If I didn’t know the answer at the start, I definitely do now.

Can you change the schema of an object by using “sp_rename”?

Hell no.

Save yourself the hassle and just stick to ALTER SCHEMA. It’s easier, believe me.