Keeping New Lines in SQL Server.

Where I compare scripts to BBQ because of course I would 😐

I have this personal opinion that one sign of a good DBA is their ability to automate things and, before the DBA world found PowerShell, the way to do this was with T-SQL.

For example, a T-SQL script to get permissions assigned to a database principal could also include a column to REVOKE those permissions. This could be “automated” with some dynamic SQL.

SELECT AS DatabasePrincipalName,
       OBJECT_NAME(dperm.major_id) AS ObjectName,
       dperm.permission_name AS PermissionName,
       N'REVOKE '
         + dperm.permission_name
         + N' ON OBJECT::'
         + OBJECT_NAME(dperm.major_id)
         + N' FROM '
         + COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS AS RevokeMe
FROM sys.database_permissions AS dperm
INNER JOIN sys.database_principals AS dprin
  ON dperm.grantee_principal_id = dprin.principal_id
WHERE = 'public';
This can be improved A WHOLE LOT…

What about if we want to improve this?

This is nice but what about if we are paranoid forward-thinking enough to realize that this could cause us problems?

“How?” You ask. Well what happens if there existed another database, say [NeedsAllPermissions], with the same table name and the same login has permissions on it.

Are you going to revoke permissions from that database? It needs ALL of them! It says so in the name!

So in an effort to not shoot ourselves in the foot, we add in the database name to our revoke script.

SELECT AS DatabasePrincipalName,
       OBJECT_NAME(dperm.major_id) AS ObjectName,
       dperm.permission_name AS PermissionName,
       N'USE '
         + DB_NAME()
         + 'GO'
         + N'REVOKE '
         + dperm.permission_name
         + N' ON OBJECT::'
         + OBJECT_NAME(dperm.major_id)
         + N' FROM '
         + COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS AS RevokeMe
FROM sys.database_permissions AS dperm
INNER JOIN sys.database_principals AS dprin
  ON dperm.grantee_principal_id = dprin.principal_id
WHERE = 'public';


Yes, we’re only using our database now!

So all is well with the world…

Until the day comes when you actually want to revoke permissions to that user. So you run the above code, copy the RevokeMe column and paste it into the management window. and you get…

No GO my friend…

GO is a special little guy. It’s not exactly T-SQL. It’s a way of telling the SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) to send everything before it, from the beginning of the script or the preceding GO, to the SQL Server instance.

If you read the documents, the main point to take away is…

A Transact-SQL statement cannot occupy the same line as a GO command. However, the line can contain comments.

GO is a special little snowflake and needs to be on his own line then. Simple enough if you know that SQL Server converts CHAR(10) into a New Line.

If you didn’t know that, well you know that now….P.S. CHAR(13) is a carriage return 😉

So let’s update our script with some CHAR(10) and see what happens then.

SQL & BBQ, both work well with CHAR

SELECT AS DatabasePrincipalName,
       OBJECT_NAME(dperm.major_id) AS ObjectName,
       dperm.permission_name AS PermissionName,
       N'USE '
         + DB_NAME()
         + CHAR(10)
         + 'GO'
         + CHAR(10)
         + N'REVOKE '
         + dperm.permission_name
         + N' ON OBJECT::'
         + OBJECT_NAME(dperm.major_id)
         + N' FROM '
         + COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS AS RevokeMe
FROM sys.database_permissions AS dperm
INNER JOIN sys.database_principals AS dprin
  ON dperm.grantee_principal_id = dprin.principal_id
WHERE = 'public';


That smokey, wood-fire CHAR

Now, when we paste the RevokeMe column to a new window, we get…

Oh look, it’s a wild, rare nothing…I love them!

…absolutely no difference. 🙂

Why am I smiling?

Here, around 500 words in, we get to the meat of our post. How do we keep new lines when copying in SQL Server?

Tools | Options | Query Results | Results to Grid | Retain CR/LF on copy or save

Two things need to be done here.

  1. This checkbox needs to be enabled.

  2. A new window needs to be opened and used.

New window open, we run our script again, and this time, when we copy and paste the results, we get…

Winner, Winner, BBQ Chicken Dinner


So if you are using T-SQL to create scripts, and you’re having this problem with GO or just new lines in general, make sure that the “retain CR/LF on copy and save” checkbox is ticked.

Now, improve that script more, throw it in a stored procedure, and you never know, it may be semi-useful. 🙂

Why You May Need More Than FOR XML PATH(”)

XML – both easy, easy, lemon easy and difficult, difficult, lemon difficult…

Working on a blog post and I came up against a problem that I had heard of before but did not spend much brain-CPU power against.

I know I’m going to run into this again so let’s document this for future me. Oh he’s going to appreciate this so much!

Commas are all the rage nowadays:

There are a fair number of questions nowadays about returning data from a database in a comma separated string. Sure the application should probably do that but hey, database servers are expensive, why not get some bang for your bucks!


SQL Server 2017 has this lovely function called STRING_AGG()

Pop in your column and your separator and it takes care of it for you!

…wait not everyone has SQL Server 2017 yet?

…wait I don’t have SQL Server 2017 yet? Oh, I should really fix that…

Pre-SQL Server 2017:

So what can we do if we are not on SQL Server 2017? Take the advice that I was given for most of my life and STUFF it!

The STUFFing:

Our playground:

USE tempdb;

-- Test table
SELECT dt.comments
FROM ( VALUES ( 'XML is the bomb!'),
              ( '& JSON is cool too...')
     ) AS dt (comments);
testing stuff…


Plain Old STUFFing:

I’m not the biggest fan of stuffing if I’m honest…tastes like dirt to me but hey, it works in 99% of situations…

SELECT STUFF((SELECT ', ' + dt.comments
              FROM ( VALUES ( 'XML is the bomb!'),
                            ( '& JSON is cool too...')
                   ) AS dt (comments)
              FOR XML PATH('')
             ), 1, 1, '') AS CommentsEnXML;


…that’s…that’s not what I said!

Bacon Sausage STUFFing however:

So…SQL Server is trying to be too helpful. What do we do? I normally turn to the SQL community and people like Rob Farley ( blog | twitter ), who has a lovely post about this.

So let’s try it out.

SELECT STUFF((SELECT ', ' + dt.comments
              FROM ( VALUES ( 'XML is the bomb!'),
                            ( '& JSON is cool too...')
                   ) AS dt (comments)
              FOR XML PATH(''),
              TYPE).value('.', 'varchar(max)'
             ), 1, 1, '') AS CommentsEnXML;


That exclamation mark is annoying me >:(

I just eat the turkey around the STUFFing:

Little hiccup in preparing for my next post. Thankfully I learn from my mistakes and failures (there’d be no help for me otherwise!).

I’ll leave this post with a quote from the blog of the main man himself:

It’s a habit I need to use more often.

Yeah, me too Rob, me too…

My Function Won’t Accept Parameters? Get-Help!

Getting Get-Help Help

The following is a recounting of an issue that I had and how I went about resolving it. No computers were harmed in the making of this post.

Ask me for one PowerShell command that everyone should know and I can answer you: Get-Help.

Fairly descriptive name if you ask me. Today I’m focusing on using Get-Help selectively to help me figure out why my custom function just won’t accept parameters!

You say Test Case. I say Basket Case.

We are going to need a custom test function for the audience to play along with at home, luckily Shane’s got you covered.
This is a Tactical Estimation of Shane’s Test function – aka T.E.S.T. function; very simple but all the important parts are there.

Function Test-FunctionByParameter {
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
                   ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
    process {
        "Success, I'm [$Parameter]"

If I’ve done my maths right, and I always do my maths right (as far as you know), then this function should take input from the pipeline and output it in the string “Success, I’m …”

Do I do my maths right?

Get-Service -Name *sql* |
Select Name -first 1 |
It’s the “carrying the 1” that always gets me!

Huh, parameter problem.

I thought this was supposed to work like this. You pipe in information, magic happens, and functions work, no?

Well, when in doubt, Get-Help.


Before I go any further though, just so that everyone knows how to use Get-Help, I’m going to show you one of the secret techniques for using Get-Help.

Get-Help *help*

Yup, I use dbatools

Why does help exist?

When you think about it, why is there even a function called help?
As far as I’m aware it’s basically the same as Get-Help except it automatically pipes the output to | more so we get pages rather than a wall of text.

Is there more that we can do with Get-Help though? Is there a way that we can return the examples only? Syntax only? Parameters only?

Is there not a way that we can do such things?!

Yessum, the Possums cousin

Okay I cheated on the first one; examples are pretty easy. PowerShell actually already takes care of that for you.

Get-Help Get-Help -examples
Help me if you can I’m feeling examples…I mean down!

The other two, while not laid out for you as pretty as that, are not that difficult to do. What needs to be remembered about Get-Help is that it is a cmdlet. And what do cmdlets normally output?…

What?! No! Objects!
They normally output Objects! Wow…next time just pipe it to Get-Member if you don’t know.

I Object!

Now I first saw this done in a blog post by Adam Bertram ( blog | twitter ) but I do believe that it warrants further highlighting.

If you did pipe Get-Help to | Get-Member you would have seen a NoteProperty called syntax, so if we want the syntax for a cmdlet, we can specify that using:

(Get-Help Get-Help).syntax
Syntax, useful for all languages

So for parameters we need…yup .parameters.

(Get-Help Get-Help).parameters
Parameters…languages use them as well I guess

Hmm, not as handy as I thought it would be. What happens if we pipe that to Get-Member (Alias gm as I’m getting lazy here)?

(Get-Help Get-Help).parameters | gm
Well lookie here, another NoteProperty!

Let’s try that and see what we get, shall we?

(Get-Help Get-Help).parameters.parameter
…the exact same >:( Fine, have the same screenshot then!

It’s always brightest before the dawn

And the answer comes always before you smash your screen in rage.

If we pipe the above information to Get-Member again, we get more useful information this time (I’m not going to show it, you know how to pipe to gm by now).

This looks like something we can work with 🙂

I’m from a database background so can we make this pretty, all I care about is the name and the pipeline input.

(Get-Help Get-Help).parameters.parameter |
    Select-Object -Property name,pipelineinput
ByPropertyName…what’s that?

By Odin’s Beard! I mean PropertyName

You know one of these days I should really read this help file (you should too) because half way down the results of the following code is some interesting info…

help about_pipelines


Cmdlets parameters can accept pipeline input in one of two different ways:

— ByValue: Parameters that accept input “by value” can accept piped objects
that have the same .NET type as their parameter value or objects that can be
converted to that type.

For example, the Name parameter of Start-Service accepts pipeline input
by value. It can accept string objects or objects that can be converted to

— ByPropertyName: Parameters that accept input “by property name” can accept piped
objects only when a property of the object has the same name as the parameter.

For example, the Name parameter of Start-Service can accept objects that have
a Name property.

(To list the properties of an object, pipe it to Get-Member.)

Some parameters can accept objects by value or by property name. These parameters are
designed to take input from the pipeline easily.

So that’s the problem?! The names need to match up! I can do that with Select-Object!

All I need to do is add a custom label using @{Label='<custom label>';Expression={'<custom expression>'}}


Get-Service -Name *sql* |
Select-Object -First 1 -Property @{l='Parameter';e={$_.Name}} |
I always do my maths right!

So now when I run a command and get the crazy…

The input object cannot be bound to any parameters for the command either because the command does not take pipeline input or the input and its properties do not match any of the parameters that take pipeline input.

I can just run:

(Get-Help &lt;cmdlet name&gt;).parameters.parameter |
Select-Object Name,pipelineInput

And know exactly where to fix! 🙂

SQL Prompt: For Your Group By Problems

I’m going to point people to this that have “My Group By isn’t working” questions…

The Joys of SQL:

Did you know that the SQL language allows you to do amazing analysis of data such as aggregate functions?

SELECT t.session_id,
       SUM(t.user_objects_alloc_page_count) AS UserObjectAllocated,
       SUM(t.user_objects_dealloc_page_count) AS UserObjectDeallocated
FROM sys.dm_db_task_space_usage AS t
GROUP BY t.session_id,
Works Written
0’s! Amazing!

The Pains of SQL:

But…if you forget to put in the GROUP BY clause, as a ski instructor once said, you’re going to have a bad time!

Need Group By
Pizza…French Fries…Pizza

The Repetitiveness of Questioners:

So some eager yet lost scholar ventures into this land of aggregate functions, reads the error message and adds in a GROUP BY clause.

SELECT t.session_id,
       SUM(t.user_objects_alloc_page_count) AS UserObjectAllocated,
       SUM(t.user_objects_dealloc_page_count) AS UserObjectDeallocated
FROM sys.dm_db_task_space_usage AS t
GROUP BY t.session_id;
Needs second column
French Fries….

Now don’t scoff, this happens. I mean the error message is still red, looks nearly identical to the original one encountered, and can cause a rage-inducing damnation of SQL Server error messages.

The Enlightenment of Questioners:

Trawling the bulletin boards, question sites, and forums – okay maybe a quick question online, it’s called poetic exaggeration people! – they eventually learn the folly of their ways and correct their mistake.

SELECT t.session_id,
       SUM(t.user_objects_alloc_page_count) AS UserObjectAllocated,
       SUM(t.user_objects_dealloc_page_count) AS UserObjectDeallocated
FROM sys.dm_db_task_space_usage AS t
GROUP BY t.session_id,
Works Written

The Euphoria of SQL Prompt:

Now I consider myself lucky that work has invested in the RedGate tools, and right now, especially SQL Prompt.

I’m not going to talk about “Save and Recover Lost Tabs” – saved my ass many times.
I’m not going to talk about “Code Formatting” – saved my sanity many times.
I’m going to talk about “Autocomplete”.

A well-known secret with SQL Prompt’s autocomplete is the snippets feature. With this, you can increase your productivity by 75% from typing out G R O U P [space] B Y and instead use gb and hit tab.

gb shortcut
Wait? I can order Pizza?

The Ecstasy of SQL Prompt:

Do not get me wrong, a 75% increase in productivity? I’ll take that!

That is a well-known secret though, and it’s slightly hard to get excited about a well-known secret.

However, what if I told you that SQL Prompt had another lesser-known secret that can increase your productivity and ensure that you do not forgot to add the necessary columns to your GROUP BY clause?

Interested? Ah c’mon!
You sure you’re not interested?…. That’s better!

So first of all, let us increase the number of non-aggregated columns in our SELECT to include database_id, is_remote_work, and exec_context_id. Including our session_id and request_id these are all columns that we are going to need to add to our GROUP BY clause, because…well…business logic.

Only problem is ain’t nobody got time for that.
SQL Prompt knows this and adds the following little snippet after a GROUP BY autocomplete.

Shortcut shortcut
Whoa! Whoa! You can deliver Pizza to me?

Hitting tab on that includes everything in the SELECT that is not part of an aggregate function, leaving us to concern ourselves with loftier things…

Final Works
Like whatever happened to Pizza in 30 mins or free?


Now I don’t work for pizza RedGate, I’m not affiliated with them, and I don’t get any money off of them. In fact, I’d say that they’d happily pay me not to write about them but when I found this autocomplete feature, I got too happy not to share it!

So save yourself the trouble of typing everything out and spare yourself the pain of error messages.

Use this lesser-known secret and have more time for pizza.