T-SQL Tuesday 157 – End of Year Activity

Words: 544

Time to read: ~ 2 minutes


Welcome to T-SQL Tuesday, the monthly blog part where we are given a topic and asked to blog about it. This month we have Garry Bargsley, asking us to discuss end-of-year activities.


My current workplace has a change freeze in place for the end of the year. Usually, I would say that this is risk-averse.
But seeing as the nature of the business (payments) means that the Thanksgiving/Black Friday/Christmas time is the busiest time of the year, I’m willing to cut them some slack.

So, what to do when we cannot deploy to production? Oh, we’ll still be busy! There are always management-approved fixes that get through, annual processes to complete, and project planning that has to be…well, planned.

But, my priority for this end-of-year is documentation.


We have a few different tools for documentation. Examples are Confluence, Google Sheets, Google Docs, etc.

But most of the time, documentation takes the form of scripts saved to source control.

These scripts are multiprocess and cross-team dependent and can quickly end up like me doing DIY. One hand trying to steady the nail, the other wielding the hammer, and the whole situation collapsing into swear words and tears.

We can’t currently have a “hit-Enter-and-leave-it” bunch of scripts because we have to stop midway for another team’s work or to check the results of what we’ve just run.


If we used Notebooks, this would be so much easier. I could create the code, save a snippet of the results to the notebooks, and then future executors could see what to expect.


We don’t use Notebooks.

Plain .sql files for me, it is! 

To ease the documentation burden and have some semblance of tidiness, I created a PowerShell tool that splits it out “all pretty like”.


Now, with a combination of Read-Clipboard from the ImportExcel module, I can grab results and turn them into a text table that I can add back into the script.

Simple example: we want to save the database name, create date, and compatibility level of the databases on an instance.

… I said simple example – not good or useful example.

	database_name = name,
FROM sys.databases;

Now, let’s copy and paste the results into a comment on that script as a form of “documentation”.

Now, this time I’m going to copy those results, and run the following code in my PowerShell Core window, before pasting into the comment block.

Read-Clipboard | Format-TextTable | Set-Clipboard

Given the option, I know which one I’d choose.


You can pick up the source-code here.

Feel free to check it out and add/remove from it.


I am aware that I could spend minutes of my time to evenly align the spaces. And, yes, I know that SSMS can do find-and-replace using simple Regex.
But if I manually structure the output every time, for all different types of columns & data types, with different spacings…

I’d be better off arguing with the company to start using Notebooks.

Until then, this works for me. Hopefully, it will work for you.

And hey, maybe it will help improve your documentation in the New Year. That has a higher chance of happening than my one to improve my DIY skills.

T-SQL Tuesday #135: The outstanding tools of the trade that make your job awesome

Welcome to T-SQL Tuesday, the brainchild of Adam Machanic ( twitter ) and ward of Steve Jones ( blog | twitter ).
T-SQL Tuesday is a monthly blogging party where a topic gets assigned and all wishing to enter write about the subject.
This month we have Mikey Bronowski ( blog | twitter ) asking us about the most helpful and useful tools we know of or use.

Tools of the trade are a topic that I enjoy. I have a (sadly unmaintained) list of scripts from various community members on my blog. This list is not what I’m going to talk about though. I’m going to talk about what to do with or any scripts.

I want to talk about you as a person and as a community member. Why? Because you are the master of your craft and a master of their craft takes care of their tools.

Store Them

If you are using scripts, community-made or self-made, then you should store them properly. By properly, I’m talking source control. Have your tools in a centralised place where those who need it can access it. Have your scripts in a centralised place where everyone gets the same changes applied to them, where you can roll back unwanted changes.

Check out Brett Miller’s ( blog | twitter ) presentation “GitOps – Git for Ops people“.

Version Them

If you are using community scripts, then more likely than not, they are versioned. That way you’re able to see when you need to update to the newest version. No matter what language you’re using, you can add a version to them.

PowerShell has a ModuleVersion number, Python has __version__, and SQL has extended properties.

Or even take a page out of Bret Wagner’s ( blog | twitter ) book and try XML comments.

Take Care of Them

If you take care of these tools, if you store them, version them, and make them accessible to those who need them, then they will pay you back a hundredfold.
You’ll no longer need to re-write the wheel or pay the time penalty for composing them. The tools will be easy to share and self-documented for any new hires.
Like the adage says: Take care of your tools and your tools will take care of you.

Keeping New Lines in SQL Server.

Where I compare scripts to BBQ because of course I would 😐

I have this personal opinion that one sign of a good DBA is their ability to automate things and, before the DBA world found PowerShell, the way to do this was with T-SQL.

For example, a T-SQL script to get permissions assigned to a database principal could also include a column to REVOKE those permissions. This could be “automated” with some dynamic SQL.

SELECT dprin.name AS DatabasePrincipalName,
       OBJECT_NAME(dperm.major_id) AS ObjectName,
       dperm.permission_name AS PermissionName,
       N'REVOKE '
         + dperm.permission_name
         + N' ON OBJECT::'
         + OBJECT_NAME(dperm.major_id)
         + N' FROM '
         + dprin.name COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS AS RevokeMe
FROM sys.database_permissions AS dperm
INNER JOIN sys.database_principals AS dprin
  ON dperm.grantee_principal_id = dprin.principal_id
WHERE dprin.name = 'public';

This can be improved A WHOLE LOT…

What about if we want to improve this?

This is nice but what about if we are paranoid forward-thinking enough to realize that this could cause us problems?

“How?” You ask. Well what happens if there existed another database, say [NeedsAllPermissions], with the same table name and the same login has permissions on it.

Are you going to revoke permissions from that database? It needs ALL of them! It says so in the name!

So in an effort to not shoot ourselves in the foot, we add in the database name to our revoke script.

SELECT dprin.name AS DatabasePrincipalName,
       OBJECT_NAME(dperm.major_id) AS ObjectName,
       dperm.permission_name AS PermissionName,
       N'USE '
         + DB_NAME()
         + 'GO'
         + N'REVOKE '
         + dperm.permission_name
         + N' ON OBJECT::'
         + OBJECT_NAME(dperm.major_id)
         + N' FROM '
         + dprin.name COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS AS RevokeMe
FROM sys.database_permissions AS dperm
INNER JOIN sys.database_principals AS dprin
  ON dperm.grantee_principal_id = dprin.principal_id
WHERE dprin.name = 'public';

Yes, we’re only using our database now!

So all is well with the world…

Until the day comes when you actually want to revoke permissions to that user. So you run the above code, copy the RevokeMe column and paste it into the management window. and you get…

No GO my friend…

GO is a special little guy. It’s not exactly T-SQL. It’s a way of telling the SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) to send everything before it, from the beginning of the script or the preceding GO, to the SQL Server instance.

If you read the documents, the main point to take away is…

A Transact-SQL statement cannot occupy the same line as a GO command. However, the line can contain comments.

GO is a special little snowflake and needs to be on his own line then. Simple enough if you know that SQL Server converts CHAR(10) into a New Line.

If you didn’t know that, well you know that now….P.S. CHAR(13) is a carriage return 😉

So let’s update our script with some CHAR(10) and see what happens then.

SQL & BBQ, both work well with CHAR

SELECT dprin.name AS DatabasePrincipalName,
       OBJECT_NAME(dperm.major_id) AS ObjectName,
       dperm.permission_name AS PermissionName,
       N'USE '
         + DB_NAME()
         + CHAR(10)
         + 'GO'
         + CHAR(10)
         + N'REVOKE '
         + dperm.permission_name
         + N' ON OBJECT::'
         + OBJECT_NAME(dperm.major_id)
         + N' FROM '
         + dprin.name COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS AS RevokeMe
FROM sys.database_permissions AS dperm
INNER JOIN sys.database_principals AS dprin
  ON dperm.grantee_principal_id = dprin.principal_id
WHERE dprin.name = 'public';


That smokey, wood-fire CHAR

Now, when we paste the RevokeMe column to a new window, we get…

Oh look, it’s a wild, rare nothing…I love them!

…absolutely no difference. 🙂

Why am I smiling?

Here, around 500 words in, we get to the meat of our post. How do we keep new lines when copying in SQL Server?

Tools | Options | Query Results | Results to Grid | Retain CR/LF on copy or save

Two things need to be done here.

  1. This checkbox needs to be enabled.


  2. A new window needs to be opened and used.

New window open, we run our script again, and this time, when we copy and paste the results, we get…

Winner, Winner, BBQ Chicken Dinner


So if you are using T-SQL to create scripts, and you’re having this problem with GO or just new lines in general, make sure that the “retain CR/LF on copy and save” checkbox is ticked.

Now, improve that script more, throw it in a stored procedure, and you never know, it may be semi-useful. 🙂

SQL Prompt: For Your Group By Problems

I’m going to point people to this that have “My Group By isn’t working” questions…

The Joys of SQL:

Did you know that the SQL language allows you to do amazing analysis of data such as aggregate functions?

SELECT t.session_id,
       SUM(t.user_objects_alloc_page_count) AS UserObjectAllocated,
       SUM(t.user_objects_dealloc_page_count) AS UserObjectDeallocated
FROM sys.dm_db_task_space_usage AS t
GROUP BY t.session_id,

0’s! Amazing!

The Pains of SQL:

But…if you forget to put in the GROUP BY clause, as a ski instructor once said, you’re going to have a bad time!

Pizza…French Fries…Pizza

The Repetitiveness of Questioners:

So some eager yet lost scholar ventures into this land of aggregate functions, reads the error message and adds in a GROUP BY clause.

SELECT t.session_id,
       SUM(t.user_objects_alloc_page_count) AS UserObjectAllocated,
       SUM(t.user_objects_dealloc_page_count) AS UserObjectDeallocated
FROM sys.dm_db_task_space_usage AS t
GROUP BY t.session_id;

French Fries….

Now don’t scoff, this happens. I mean the error message is still red, looks nearly identical to the original one encountered, and can cause a rage-inducing damnation of SQL Server error messages.

The Enlightenment of Questioners:

Trawling the bulletin boards, question sites, and forums – okay maybe a quick question online, it’s called poetic exaggeration people! – they eventually learn the folly of their ways and correct their mistake.

SELECT t.session_id,
       SUM(t.user_objects_alloc_page_count) AS UserObjectAllocated,
       SUM(t.user_objects_dealloc_page_count) AS UserObjectDeallocated
FROM sys.dm_db_task_space_usage AS t
GROUP BY t.session_id,


The Euphoria of SQL Prompt:

Now I consider myself lucky that work has invested in the RedGate tools, and right now, especially SQL Prompt.

I’m not going to talk about “Save and Recover Lost Tabs” – saved my ass many times.
I’m not going to talk about “Code Formatting” – saved my sanity many times.
I’m going to talk about “Autocomplete”.

A well-known secret with SQL Prompt’s autocomplete is the snippets feature. With this, you can increase your productivity by 75% from typing out G R O U P [space] B Y and instead use gb and hit tab.

Wait? I can order Pizza?

The Ecstasy of SQL Prompt:

Do not get me wrong, a 75% increase in productivity? I’ll take that!

That is a well-known secret though, and it’s slightly hard to get excited about a well-known secret.

However, what if I told you that SQL Prompt had another lesser-known secret that can increase your productivity and ensure that you do not forgot to add the necessary columns to your GROUP BY clause?

Interested? Ah c’mon!
You sure you’re not interested?…. That’s better!

So first of all, let us increase the number of non-aggregated columns in our SELECT to include database_id, is_remote_work, and exec_context_id. Including our session_id and request_id these are all columns that we are going to need to add to our GROUP BY clause, because…well…business logic.

Only problem is ain’t nobody got time for that.
SQL Prompt knows this and adds the following little snippet after a GROUP BY autocomplete.

Whoa! Whoa! You can deliver Pizza to me?

Hitting tab on that includes everything in the SELECT that is not part of an aggregate function, leaving us to concern ourselves with loftier things…

Like whatever happened to Pizza in 30 mins or free?


Now I don’t work for pizza RedGate, I’m not affiliated with them, and I don’t get any money off of them. In fact, I’d say that they’d happily pay me not to write about them but when I found this autocomplete feature, I got too happy not to share it!

So save yourself the trouble of typing everything out and spare yourself the pain of error messages.

Use this lesser-known secret and have more time for pizza.

Table Column Differences with T-SQL and PowerShell

Where I start off with one idea, than veer widely towards another…much like me normally

As part of my post for the latest T-SQL Tuesday, I talked about community scripts. One of these scripts was by Jana Sattainathan ( blog | twitter ) and it was to do with finding tables with similar table structure. This is a great script for initially finding the tables and something that I am not sure that I would have thought of!

However, do me a favour and in your favourite search engine, do a search for “stackoverflow sql server wide tables” (Google search included for your benefit).

For some reason, people have a slight fascination with wwwwwiiiiiiiiddddeeeee tables!

So thanks to the excellent work done by Jana, you have now identified the tables with similar structure, but what about if we want to know which column names match exactly?

I recently had this problem with consolidating copies of tables of medium to wide length in a database and needed to know. So I created a little snippet of code to help me out and I present it to you, in all of it’s unashamed vulnerability, in the hope that it can help you out.

Be warned: Thar be PIVOTs ahead!

Ahoy, matey!

So we’ve got two tables that are slightly different, not completely different (hey, they could be) but different enough to be similar without matching… (differently similar?)

Our task is to find out which columns are in both tables, which columns are only in 1 table, and which columns are only in the other.

Now this isn’t so bad manually, especially if you only need to do this once, maybe twice. What happens though if you need to do it with multiple pairs of tables? Or multiple pairs of wide tables like our search engines showed us above?

So let us do what all DBAs should do when they have a repetitive, manual task stopping them from doing more fun important things: Automate it away!

Avast Ye!

Our two tables are as follows:

CREATE TABLE dbo.DifferenceTable01
    col1 int,
    col2 int,
    col4 int,
    col6 int

CREATE TABLE dbo.DifferenceTable02
    col2 int,
    col3 int,
    col4 int,
    col5 int

Now we can use the sys.columns table to check out the different columns in the table but the results are, well, meh

    OBJECT_NAME([object_id]) AS TableName,
    [name] AS ColumnName
FROM sys.columns 
WHERE [object_id] IN
    OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.DifferenceTable01', N'U'),
    OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.DifferenceTable02', N'U')

Even if I ordered it, it would still be “meh”…

That is not really going to work out for us…
So I’m not liking the look of this, and going through the results, it seems to me that these results are just not useful. This isn’t the computers fault – it’s done exactly what I’ve told it to do – but a more useful result would be a list of columns and then either a simple ‘Yes’, or a ‘No’.

There’s syntax for this…PIVOT

Thar She Blows!

As anyone who has seen me dance can attest to, I can neither shake, rattle, nor roll. And I definitely do not normally PIVOT. However, as I’m trying to know my tools, I do know that this is the syntax that I need.

PIVOT rotates a table-valued expression by turning the unique values from one column in the expression into multiple columns in the output, and performs aggregations where they are required on any remaining column values that are wanted in the final output.

So after looking up the syntax for this once (ok, 5 times!) I managed to come out with a script that I’m reasonably happy with.

And the results are a lot easier to read 🙂

Can also be extended to more than 2 tables!

So much better! This way, no matter how long the tables, I can easily figure out what columns are in what table(s) based on their names.

Shiver Me Timbers!

Isn’t it always the way after you’ve done something, you realise a much easier way to do it?

The Old Seadog!

I’ve talked about automation in this post and I have yet to mention PowerShell. I bow my head in shame.

Especially when it has a native command like Compare-Object.

help Compare-Object -ShowWindow

Compares two sets of objects.

The Compare-Object cmdlet compares two sets of objects. One set of objects is the “reference set,” and the other set is the “difference set.”

The result of the comparison indicates whether a property value appeared only in the object from the reference set (indicated by the <= symbol), only in the object from the difference set (indicated by the => symbol) or, if the IncludeEqual parameter is specified, in both objects (indicated by the == symbol).

If the reference set or the difference set is null ($null), this cmdlet generates a terminating error.

So the question we have to ask ourselves now is “Can we do what we did with the PIVOTs easier?”

The Old Salt.

I’ve recently found out about splatting so, of course, I’ve started to use it EVERYWHERE!

Let’s “splat” our two parameters

$Table01Param = @{
ServerInstance = 'localhost\SQLDEV2K14'
Database = 'master'
Query = &quot;SELECT OBJECT_NAME([object_id]) AS TableName, [name] AS ColumnName FROM sys.columns WHERE [object_id] = OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.DifferenceTable01', N'U');&quot;

$Table02Param = @{
ServerInstance = 'localhost\SQLDEV2K14'
Database = 'master'
Query = &quot;SELECT OBJECT_NAME([object_id]) AS TableName, [name] AS ColumnName FROM sys.columns WHERE [object_id] = OBJECT_ID(N'dbo.DifferenceTable02', N'U');&quot;

And we now save ourselves the trouble of writing the parameters to the functions.

Invoke-Sqlcmd @Table01Param
Invoke-Sqlcmd @Table02Param


Since everything is now set up, we can just pass those results into 2 different variable holders and use our Compare-Object.

$Table01 = Invoke-Sqlcmd @Table01Param
$Table02 = Invoke-Sqlcmd @Table02Param

Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $Table01 -DifferenceObject $Table02 -Property ColumnName -IncludeEqual

It’s annoyingly wide without splatting…

And for anyone saying “Yeah, but who knows what ‘SideIndicator’ means!”,  I advise you to read the help with PowerShell. It helps a-lot!

The result of the comparison indicates whether a property value appeared only in the object from the reference set (indicated by the <= symbol), only in the object from the difference set (indicated by the => symbol) or, if the IncludeEqual parameter is specified, in both objects (indicated by the == symbol).

If you are still complaining about it – “You can’t have the HumanReadableFormat column like you did in T-SQL” – then please stop. There are experts out there who can make you go “wow” with what they do. I’m still learning but even I have an answer to that.

Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $Table01 -DifferenceObject $Table02 -Property ColumnName -IncludeEqual |
Select-Object -Property *,@{N='HRF';e={switch ($_.SideIndicator)
{'==' {'Both'}
'=&gt;' {'Table 2 only'}
'&lt;=' {'Table 1 only'}

Go on! Compare this with T-SQL


I’m not trying to argue with who would win between T-SQL and PowerShell, that was definitely not my intention with this post. T-SQL is my first language love, PowerShell is very quickly becoming my second (and that’s not just because it’s the only other langauge I know).

They both accompolish the same thing!

It’s just a matter of preference, that’s all, not a matter of competition. You want to work in SSMS, PIVOT it up! You like PowerShell, hammer that Compare-Object nail!
Whatever works for you.

My first idea for this was T-SQL but it turns out for me that PowerShell is the easier option. Don’t rule out one, just because the other was the first thing to pop into your head.

Now I’m going to go before I make a joke about Pirates, SQL and the R language…


T-SQL Tuesday #89 – The times they are a-changing: Inline Out-Sourcing.

It’s T-SQL Tuesday time! T-SQL Tuesday time! T-SQL Tuesday, T-SQL Tuesday, T-SQL Tuesday and a baseball bat!
Ahem…sorry about that…

Koen Verbeeck ( blog | twitter ) is hosting this month’s T-SQL Tuesday experience, and wow does he really ask us to search deep within ourselves and ponder our future…

Technology has changed a lot in the past years, especially with cloud/globalization/automation. What an impact has this had on your job? Do you feel endangered? Or do you have more exciting features/toys to work with? Do you embrace the change and learn new skills? Or do you hide in your cubicle and fear the robot uprising?

Now my knowledge of these subjects are somewhat limited; I have yet to research the cloud beyond a rudimentary “poking it with a stick” so I leave that topic to people like Arun Sirpal ( blog | twitter ) and others.

Globalization is another new topic for me. I consider it to be along the lines of being able to fill in positions with people all around the globe (but I’m probably wrong with this). There is a veritable plethora of people online that are excelling at this, so I leave it up to you to seek them out.

Automation…well I have some dealings of this, so I was considering this to be my topic. Then I realised that I could write about something along the same lines. Out-sourcing, but not in the conventional sense. More like…

Inline Out-sourcing.


There’s never enough hours in the day for everything I need to do!

How many times have we heard a complaint similar to that? Especially now-a-days when DBAs are tasked to look after more and more servers and instances. I cannot remember the last time I heard of a DBA taking care of servers in the single digits.

The work of the DBA keeps increasing but the amount of time that we have remains the same. How do we combat this? How do we make it so we are not sprinting just to keep up?

The only answer I have to this problem is this.

Don’t try to re-invent the wheel…let someone else do it.

SQL Community.

The SQL community has been hard at work creating awesome content for everyone to use.

A short list of the top of my head include:

This doesn’t include the tools available from companies like

And have you seen some of the scripts created by individual members of the SQL community?

Hmm, maybe this won’t be as short a list as I thought…

You know what this blog post needs? More links!

Can I stop now? NO!!! MOAR LINKS!!!

And with Microsoft’s advancements with SQL Server and PowerShell, porting it to work with Linux and with Azure, it is like Microsoft are actively trying to get you to automate; actively trying to make your life easier!


So yes, technology has changed but we, as a SQL community, have worked so that you can use these tools, automate away the drudgery, and embrace these changes.

As long as you embrace this “inline out-sourcing” that we have.

Now I could wax lyrical about all the different aspects of the community and how, with these resources, you shouldn’t need to re-invent the wheel but I’m not going to.

These people have poured hours of effort into these scripts all for you to use. They have poured their heart, souls, and RAM into these scripts just so that they can help out the community.

I would ask a favour of people reading this post though. For all the time, effort, and sacrifice that these people have put in…

Thank them.

It means more than you know.

P.S. Andy Mallon ( blog | twitter ) has a beard…he may win this blog post…

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