Querying SQL Server with Golang

Words: 333

Time to read: ~ 2 minutes

I’ve been looking into Golang recently. Hey, everyone has to go with what interests them!

It’s all very well and good to open up Golang and write a FizzBuzz (note to self: write a FizzBuzz), but I still work with databases.

So before I do anything with Golang, I’d like to know: can it interact with databases. 

Granted, everything can, but how easy is it? And does trying to interact with databases kill any interest I have in the language.

So, let’s give it a go.

First, some caveats.

  1. You have to install Go (shocking, I’m aware).
  2. This post is effectively me reading the tutorials on the Golang website and converting it to work with SQL Server.
  3. You have to do some funky stuff to get the driver for SQL Server; granted, funky things basically mean run go get <Github link>. I’ve done funkier…
  4. There’s also some better way to do this, but who cares. This is exploratory.
  5. When setting up my SQL instances, I did some weird thing where I now have to specify a non-standard port when connecting. So I have to open up the error log in SQL Server, see what port it’s listening to, and put that into the code. Yes, I’m aware that I’m a DBA, and I should be able to fix this, but it’s my personal time & my personal test instance. I’ll fix it when I want to.

Anyway, here’s the code. 

Do with it what you will; I’m just happy it works, and I’m delighted that I’m excited about it!

First of all, what happens when it works?

go run main.go

And what happens when it fails, say cause the default port actively refuses connections?!

// changing `port = 60515` -> `port = 60514`

Happy out! Now to see what else we can do. Thankfully, I’ve somehow managed to get some ideas marinating in creative juices. Let’s see if I have the time and the energy to see them through!

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