
Words: 651

Time to read: ~ 3 minutes

Update 2021-06-17: It now accepts pipeline input

It’s been a busy month for me so there’s not a lot of outside work research that has been going on.

That being said, there has been quite a gap since I wrote a blog post so I figured that I might as well write something

So what do I have to write about?

SELECT Statements

There are times when I want to mess about with data in SQL Server, data that I have obtained in PowerShell. This will require some way to get the information from PowerShell into SQL Server.

I know of a few ways to do this.


There is the dbatools module and the Write-DbaDbTableData function.

Get-Help -Name Write-DbaDbTableData -Full

If I wanted to write the properties of 50 modules from PSGallery into SQL Server, I can use the function handy enough.

Find-Module | Select-Object -First 50 | Write-DbaDbTableData -SqlInstance localhost -Database WAT -Table dbatools_Insert -WhatIf


There is also the ImportExcel module and the ConvertFrom-ExcelToSQLInsert function.

Get-Help -Name ConvertFrom-ExcelToSQLInsert -Full
Find-Module | Select-Object -First 50 | Export-Excel -Path .\Documents\Excel\temp_20210614.xlsx;
ConvertFrom-ExcelToSQLInsert -TableName ImportExcel_Insert -Path .\Documents\Excel\temp_20210614.xlsx -UseMsSqlSyntax

Being Picky

Both of these were a bit too much for me though. I only wanted a quick and easy way to have the data available in a SELECT statement.

I can use ImportExcel and ConvertFrom-ExcelToSQLInsert but that is dependent on the table already existing, never mind having to save the data in an Excel file first.

Don’t get me wrong – I’m aware that you don’t need Excel installed on the computer where you’re running these commands from. You still need to save the files somewhere though. The function doesn’t take data from variables.

I can use dbatools and Write-DbaDbTableData. This function is not dependent on the table having to already exist. It will create the table for you if you tell it to. Thank you -AutoCreateTable; even though I recommend pre-sizing your columns if you want to go with this method.

However, I don’t want to have to create the table beforehand.


So I wrote a primitive function to have the data available in a SELECT statement that I can run in an SSMS or Azure Data Studio window.

You can find the code for it here on Github:

I can pass a bunch of objects into it and it will create the SELECT for me using the good ol’ VALUES clause.

Although I’m pretty sure this is basically what ORMs do under the cover before people who knew what they were doing looked at them…

ConvertTo-SQLSelect -Data (Find-Module | Select-Object -First 50)
… there’s more data here….


There are a couple of caveats to be aware of…

  • It doesn’t allow pipeline input.

It probably could but that would require a sit-down and think about how to do it. Like I said; this was a quick and dirty put-together function.

It now accepts pipeline input – although I’m sure it isn’t the best way I could have implemented that…

-999..1000 | ForEach-Object -Process { (Get-Date).AddDays($_) } | ConvertTo-SQLSelect
  • There are no data types.

There are strings and they get inserted as strings but that’s okay for me for a quick playthrough. Any data conversions, I can do once I have the data in an SSMS window.

  • It doesn’t like single quotes

Yeah, I have no real excuse for this one. I should really fix that before I use this function again…

It can handle single quotes now

  • There is also no help comments for this.

There should be, even though there is only one parameter. There should also be tests! I am filled with good intentions that are yet to see fruition though…

That being said, I’ve had to use it a few times already that has meant that writing it has already paid off.

So feel free to use, abuse, and/or improve it as you see fit.

I hope you find it useful.

Minimum Permissions for Get-DbaDbUser

Words: 806

Time to read: ~ 4 minutes

Update: 2020-07-15 – Thank you Garry Bargsley for being an unofficial editor 🙂

Update: 2020-07-17 – Thanks to Shawn Melton for spot-checking this and letting me know ALL permissions needed!

All Users:
A user on the database with ALTER ANY USER permission.

Current User and System Users:
To work against all databases for the current user and system users requires CONNECT ANY DATABASE.



Thanks to Shawn Melton for pointing out that CONNECT ANY DATABASE allows the user to see only themselves and the system users.

To see all users from Get-DbaDBUser, the caller will need a user on the databases and the permissions ALTER ANY USER.


Get-DbaDbUser -SqlInstance localhost -SqlCredential $Cred -Database __DBA -EnableException -Verbose |
    Group-Object -Property Database

4 records are returned – the user itself and the system users.



CREATE USER LimitedPermissions FROM LOGIN LimitedPermissions;

GRANT ALTER ANY USER TO LimitedPermissions;

The LimitedPermissions login now has a user in the database and we’ve granted that user the ALTER ANY USER permission.

Get-DbaDbUser -SqlInstance localhost -SqlCredential $Cred -Database __DBA -EnableException -Verbose |
    Group-Object -Property Database

Now, we can see all the users; the user itself, the system users, and the other user I created on the database.

Original Article

The Backstory

Work is in the process of automating tasks. Part of this automation includes verifying the automation that we’ve done.

Where am I going with this?

Well, when we’ve automated the creation of database users we also want to verify that we’ve created the users that we say we’ve created.

My fellow co-workers have, thankfully, seen the dbatools light and we use the command Get-DbaDbUser to get the users in a database and compare the list against the users we were supposed to create.

If there are any users that should have been created but don’t show up, well then we have a problem.

The Principle of Least Privilege

Works fine for me […] but it looks like […] can’t run it with her “public” access to the db server.

I’m not going to sugarcoat things – the person that sent me the request has more access than they rightly need. The “public” access worker did not need any of that access so I wasn’t going to just give her the same level.

Plus, we’re supposed to be a workforce that has embraced the DevOps spirit and DevOps is nothing if it doesn’t include Security in it.

So, if I could find a way to give the user enough permission to run the command and not a lot more, then the happier I would be.

But, I was surprised how difficult it was to find out what permissions were needed to run Get-DbaDbUser. Even more surprised when I failed and realised I’d have to find out myself.

If anyone else can Google/Bing it and get the answer, please let me know 😐

The Test

Let’s create a new user with no permissions in SQL Server.

USE [master];

CREATE LOGIN LimitedPermissions WITH PASSWORD = N'MorePermissionsMoreProblems!';

Now let’s test it out. I have a database in my instance called __DBA. Can we access the users in that database?

    Username = LimitedPermissions
    Password = 'MorePermissionsMoreProblems!'
Get-DbaDbUser -SqlInstance localhost -SqlCredential $Cred -Database __DBA -EnableException

It doesn’t work. What’s even more surprising is that it silently doesn’t work. No warnings, no permissions errors, or nothing. And I included the -EnableException switch!

The Investigation

It’s good to know that you can check out the contents of the dbatools (and other) commands from PowerShell. No, I’m not talking about opening the .ps1 files. I’m talking about using the Function:\ psdrive.

Get-ChildItem -Path Function:\Get-DbaDbUser |
    Select-Object -ExpandProperty Definition

See those $server.databases and $db.users? For me, that means that it’s using SMO (Server Management Objects). If there was any hope of me google/binging permissions before this, well it’s gone now.

The Will is going

To cut a rather long story short, eventually I came to the idea of thinking that maybe it only needs to connect to the database. So let’s try that.


CREATE USER LimitedPermissions FROM LOGIN LimitedPermissions;

And now let’s try our Get-DbaDbUser command again.

Get-DbaDbUser -SqlInstance localhost -SqlCredential $Cred -Database __DBA -EnableException -Verbose |
    Select-Object Database, Name, LoginType, UserType


Let’s try all of the databases on the instance now

Get-DbaDbUser -SqlInstance localhost -SqlCredential $Cred -EnableException -Verbose |
    Group-Object -Property Database
Oh it has the system databases as well now!

Apart, from the system databases (excluding model) it only works on __DBA.

Give it all

Now, let’s use the CONNECT ANY DATABASE server permission.

USE [master];

And we’ll run against all databases again.

Get-DbaDbUser -SqlInstance localhost -SqlCredential $Cred -EnableException -Verbose |
    Group-Object -Property Database

Sin é

That’s it! Minimum permissions that I could find for Get-DbaDbUser is the permission to connect to the database.

Hope that helps!

Why I *try* to help with dbatools?

Can I get a couple more hours in each day please?

This post started after I created a function for dbatools, was resurrected when talking to Chrissy LeMaire ( blog | twitter ) then died down again afterwards. At this stage, I figure I publish it now or I’ll never finish it.

2 fricking hours…

I’m a Junior DBA, and as one, I get given the graft work.

For me that meant manually checking the backups. Every single file of every single database of every single server, every single day…plus whatever other jobs and alerts had come in overnight.

As you can imagine, it took a while (OVER 2 HOURS!!!) and since my youth, I had leveled-up from ‘laziness’ to ‘efficiency’, so I wanted a better option.

I had heard about PowerShell as a language before and wanted to check out if it was possible to use it to help me out.

So I opened up my PowerShell ISE, rested my fingers on the keyboard and…nothing.

So I checked out solutions online, and it was there that I found!

They had everything – or what I thought was everything since they have an issues page in github with over 100 items – so one Friday night I downloaded their tools at home and started getting familiar with them. (I know, rock star lifestyle that I have).

Monday morning, bright-eyed, bushy-tailed and filled with coffee, I sit down at my computer, open up PowerShell to start my graft work, and in 2 minutes I was finished.

2 fricking minutes…

With that, I was hooked; Twitter account, followed, Slack channel, signed in, anything and everything I could do to learn more about this wonderful life-saving (I figure time is life ergo this was life-saving) tool I was in!

But it wasn’t enough… they had given to me and I had no method to repay them.

Then one day, I asked a question on PowerShell help and one of their members Constantine Kokkinos ( blog | twitter ) helped me, and we got chatting.

He gave me an enhancement request to look at and I spent 3 days looking, poking and prodding it until finally I gave up and did a replace to fix it.

I then proceeded to try and push my entire computer into their Git repository but CK laughed and help me fix that too.

Then, from nowhere from my point of view, Chrissy LeMaire said she like it and, like that, it was in!

I’ve done more stuff since then, one more enhancement that wasn’t accepted (no worries) and a command that was accepted (that I am ashamed about since I think it’s not good enough), but I am constantly thankful for the work that they do and the knowledge that they impart.

2 commits later…

I know, I know, here I am trying to wax lyrical about dbatools when I’ve only done 2 commits.

What can I say, I’ve slowly gotten busier and busier to the point that I’m trying to schedule my days to fit everything in (if you had told me earlier that I would become a “not enough hours in the day” guy…).

Does this mean that my love for dbatools has weaned? Not in the slightest! I’m still impressed every single time that I look in (seeing as that is every day, I’m spending a lot of my time being impressed) and I’m still trying to get back to it.

2 things left to say…

  1. To anyone hesitant about getting started with dbatools, whether that is helping out or using them, I urge you not to be.
    They are welcoming, warm, and inviting people who are happy to receive help from anyone willing to give it.
  2. I’ll eventually get around to fixing that issue Chrissy, I swear 🙁
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