Checking Job Step Output Mid-Job using PowerShell

Words: 627

Time to read: ~ 3 minutes

The XY Problem

Them: We have this job…

Me: Right…

Them: … and one of the steps in the job creates files…

Me: Okay…

Them: … and we need you to check if it creates the files, otherwise we don’t need to do any of the rest of the steps.

Me: Why don’t use just error out if that step fails?

Them: Cause there are other errors in that step but they don’t mean it failed

Me: … say what?

Pretty close representation of the conversation


I’m going to ignore the whole “there are other errors” for the moment and actually attempt this task. First, let’s try to see if there is a way to get the last time a job step ran.

I already have a test SQL Agent job called “TestEmail” so let’s use that for our test.

(Get-DbaAgentJob -SqlInstance localhost -Job 'TestEmail').JobSteps

Glancing at the output, it appears that we’re looking for the LastRunDate property. In this screenshot, it shows 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM which means it’s never run before.

Creating Files

We need a way to create files, and not create files, on demand.

Vaguely in the back of my head (and I apologise for not remembering whom), I remembered someone using the presence of a temp table to fire or not fire a trigger. We’re going to use that premise here.

In a SSMS window, we have this code:


/* Create the files */
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dbo.DoNotCreateFiles;

/* Do not create the files */
CREATE TABLE dbo.DoNotCreateFiles (DoNotCreateFilesID int NOT NULL);

If we want to create files from the PowerShell script, we need to drop the table.
If we don’t want to create files from the PowerShell script, we need to ensure the table exists.

Next, we create this PowerShell file which I’ve called “CreatePowerShellFiles.ps1“.

$Query = @'
IF EXISTS (SELECT 1/0 FROM [sys].[tables] WHERE [name] = N'DoNotCreateFiles')
    SELECT CreateFiles = 0;
    SELECT CreateFiles = 1;

[bool]$CreateFiles = (Invoke-DbaQuery -SqlInstance localhost -Database __DBA -Query $Query).CreateFiles

if ($CreateFiles) {
        Name = 'CreatedFile'
        DateCreated = Get-Date
        Nonce = New-Guid
    } | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Path "C:\Users\shane.oneill\Desktop\TestPowerShellCreatedCode_$(Get-Date -Format FileDateTime).csv"

Adding this file as a step in our job, it checks for the existence of our table – if the table exists it does nothing otherwise it creates a sample csv file.

Now for the main course

We’re going to add another step now. This one will check for files created after the previous step has run.

First, we’ll create a PowerShell file (“CheckPowerShellFiles.ps1“).

param (


    [ValidateScript({ Test-Path -Path $PSItem })]

$Jobs = Get-DbaAgentJob -SqlInstance localhost -Job $JobName

$LastStep = $Jobs.JobSteps |
    Where-Object Name -eq $StepName

$FilesExist = Get-ChildItem -Path $FileDirectory |
    Where-Object LastWriteTime -ge $LastStep.LastRunDate

if (-not $FilesExist) {
    $ErrorMessage = 'Files were not created after {0}' -f $LastStep.LastRunDate
    throw $ErrorMessage

And add it to the job, passing in the parameters that we want:

Test Run

We’ve got two states that we want to test

  1. The files get created.
    1. Job should succeed.
  2. The files don’t get created.
    1. Job should fail.

Let’s run the first test:

  • Make sure the table is dropped so we create the files:

/* Create the files */
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dbo.DoNotCreateFiles;
  • Now run the job:


Now to check that the job will fail if no files get created:

  • Make sure the table exists so no files get created:
/* Do not create the files */
CREATE TABLE dbo.DoNotCreateFiles (DoNotCreateFilesID int NOT NULL);
  • Now run the job:
Congrats, you have successfully failed

Taking a look at the job history, we can see our error message:


Well, we’ve proved that this method works!

I can pass on “CheckPowerShellFiles.ps1” to the people who requested the check telling them that they only need to add in the right values for the parameters…

Along with a polite note along the lines of “you should really fix your errors”.

T-SQL Tuesday #88 – The daily (database related) WTF! The Biggest Danger to your Database: Me.

That is more of a blurb than a title…and this is more an apology than a blog post…

Kennie Nybo Pontoppidan ( blog | twitter ) has the honour of hosting this month’s T-SQL Tuesday and has decided to base this month’s topic on ‘The Daily (database related) WTF‘.

Now I have great time for Kennie and T-SQL Tuesday since my very first blog post was in reply to a T-SQL Tuesday and it happened to be a topic where Kennie blogged about the exact same thing!

Now, truth be told, I wasn’t planning on participating in this one and this wasn’t because of not having a WTF moment, but rather having too many of them. However, reading through most of the entries, I see a vast majority of them are about moments well in the past and caused by other parties.

This is not the case for me. My WTF moment happened recently and the culprit was … myself.

Sorry Kennie 🙁


A request came in from our Developers about a slow performing query and my Senior DBA identifies an index that can be safely modified to improve this ones performance.
So a Maintenance Window was set and it fell to me, in my role of Junior DBA, to create a SQL Agent Job to create this index.

No worries so far right?

I create a once-off SQL Agent Job to create this index, scheduled it appropriately, and I’m off on my merry way for the weekend.


I come in on Monday morning,  check my email, and I see an alert in my inbox about my job as well as an email from my Senior DBA; He’s not angry…WTF?

My whole job had failed!

Unable to connect to SQL Server ‘(local)’. The step failed.


He is not angry as he has seen this error message before, has dealt with it before, and sees it as a case of “well you’ve seen it now, investigate it and you won’t fall for it again”.

A quick investigation later pointed to this in the Error Log the moment before the SQL Agent Job Step was supposed to run:

[165] ODBC Error: 0, Connecting to a mirrored SQL Server instance using the MultiSubnetFailover connection option is not supported. [SQLSTATE IMH01]


Long sub-story short (i.e. Google-fu was involved), the main reason that this failed is that the SQL Agent Job Step has been configured to use a Database that is currently a mirrored one.
And SQL Agent does not like when you try to start off a step in a database that is mirrored.

WTF is wrong with this?

So the solution for me was to set the Job Step property ‘Database’ to a non-mirrored database (preferred: [master]), then include a “USE [<mirrored database>]” in the ‘Command’ property.


Knowing what to do now, and having identified another maintenance window for the next morning, I make the required changes to the job step and continue on with my day.


I come in on Tuesday morning,  check my email, and I see an alert in my inbox about my job as well as an email from my Senior DBA; He’s angry…WTF?

My final job step had failed!

CREATE INDEX failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings: ‘QUOTED_IDENTIFIER’. Verify that SET options are correct for use with indexed views and/or indexes on computed columns and/or filtered indexes and/or query notifications and/or XML data type methods and/or spatial index operations. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 1934).  The step failed


Now I’m angry too since I count these failures as personal and I don’t like failing, so I get cracking on the investigation.
Straight away, that error message doesn’t help my mood.
I’m not indexing a view!
I’m not including computed columns!
It’s not a filtered index!
The columns are not xml data types, or spatial operations!
And nowhere, nowhere am I using double quotes to justify needing to set QUOTED_IDENTIFIER on!


SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER must be ON when you are creating or changing indexes on computed columns or indexed views. If SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER is OFF, CREATE, UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE statements on tables with indexes on computed columns or indexed views will fail.

I’ve talked about stupid error message before… but in my current mood I wail, beat my breast, and stamp my feet!
The error message above was not complaining about the index I was creating, it was complaining about indexes already on the table!
In my case, we had filtered indexes already created on the table and, as such, every single index on this table from then on requires SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON.



Third Time’s the Charm?

No, not this time.

Luckily the Senior DBA had come in while the maintenance window was still running and manually ran the create index script.

He wasn’t angry that my job step failed. He was angry that my first job step succeeded!

Are you going “WTF? Why is he angry about that?” Let me enlighten you…

Remember at the start of this blog post I said that he had identified an index that could be safely modified?
Well, on Monday, in my haste to fix my broken job I had focused too much and thought too granular.
My second job step that created the index had failed, but my first job step, the one that dropped the original index had succeeded.

There’s not really much more to say on this. In my rush to fix a broken job, I created a stupid scenario that was luckily caught by the Senior DBA.

Wrap Up:

Yeah…so thought it would be a nice, little counter-example to the other posts out there about third parties coming along and wrecking havoc, and the DBAs swooping in to save the day.

I could make up excuses and say that, as a Junior DBA, I’m expected to make mistakes but I’m not going to.

It should be the aspiration of every Junior DBA to strive to improve and move upwards, and one of the key aspects of this is responsibility.

You should be responsible for looking after the data, looking after the jobs, and looking after the business.
And if all else fails, you should be responsible for your actions.

I have been properly chastised by my Senior and am still chastising myself for this. It’s been a long week so far…

… and it’s only Tuesday…wtf?

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