Pluralsight’s VS Code Extension

Words: 276

Time to read: ~ 1 minute

I’m a fan

I’m open about this – I like Pluralsight.

I admire the array of learning materials that they have for different topics. I find it reassuring seeing the names of Pluralsight authors and recognising them independently as knowledge leaders in their field.

I even have a personal subscription since I was devastated when I moved jobs and was removed from the old jobs plan!

So, even though it’s been out for a while now, when I saw that they now have an extension for VS Code it was enough to make me install it on my machine.

I’m currently going through some C# Fundamentals by Scott Allen ( twitter | blog ) on Pluralsight with an aim to work my way into Entity Framework.

With the Pluralsight extension on VS Code, I can open up some sample code file and Pluralsight will recommend some clips based on the file

Clicking on one of those clips will open a new tab in VS Code like below:

Clicking the “Watch Clip” button will bring up a dialog from VS Code asking if you meant to go to an external website.

Opening or copying & going to the link will open up the Pluralsight video segment from the recommendations.

Insert Dad joke response here

Give it a go and see how it works for you. I use Azure Data Studio for my SQL code but I’m tempted to open up the .sql files in VS Code and see what Pluralsight recommends for them.

What do I think it will say? Who wrote this? Urgh! Kill it, kill it with fire!

… I never said I wrote good SQL…

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