Pluralsight’s VS Code Extension

Words: 276

Time to read: ~ 1 minute

I’m a fan

I’m open about this – I like Pluralsight.

I admire the array of learning materials that they have for different topics. I find it reassuring seeing the names of Pluralsight authors and recognising them independently as knowledge leaders in their field.

I even have a personal subscription since I was devastated when I moved jobs and was removed from the old jobs plan!

So, even though it’s been out for a while now, when I saw that they now have an extension for VS Code it was enough to make me install it on my machine.

The Pluralsight extension page in VS Code

I’m currently going through some C# Fundamentals by Scott Allen ( twitter | blog ) on Pluralsight with an aim to work my way into Entity Framework.

With the Pluralsight extension on VS Code, I can open up some sample code file and Pluralsight will recommend some clips based on the file

List of Pluralsight clips based on the open file in VS Code.

Clicking on one of those clips will open a new tab in VS Code like below:

A tab in VS Code with a title, course description, and a button saying "Watch Clip"

Clicking the “Watch Clip” button will bring up a dialog from VS Code asking if you meant to go to an external website.

A dialog box from VS Code asking permission if you want to open an external website.

Opening or copying & going to the link will open up the Pluralsight video segment from the recommendations.

Insert Dad joke response here

Give it a go and see how it works for you. I use Azure Data Studio for my SQL code but I’m tempted to open up the .sql files in VS Code and see what Pluralsight recommends for them.

What do I think it will say? Who wrote this? Urgh! Kill it, kill it with fire!

… I never said I wrote good SQL…

Author: Shane O'Neill

DBA, T-SQL and PowerShell admirer, Food, Coffee, Whiskey (not necessarily in that order)...

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