DBA Fundamentals Social Media

This is going to be a short message but since it counts as my first SQL Family post, rather than a SQL or PowerShell one, I felt it still deserved a little post on its own.

DBA Fundamentals.

I’m helping out with the DBA Fundamentals Virtual Group’s social media presence (I told you it was going to be short 🙂 ).

What’s the Full Story Smartass?

What happened?

‘”What Happened” with Query Store’, actually?

At the start of February, I was watching a YouTube recording of that webinar by the DBA Fundamentals Virtual Group on their YouTube channel. Since my normal commute times and the normal times that webinars are on clash so often, it’s how I normally have to watch them.
During the webinar Steve Cantrell ( t ), the host and Group Leader, mentioned that they were looking for someone to volunteer with helping them out with their social media.


Well, I had steadily become more and more…addicted, for want of a better word, to the various social media outlets out there, like Slack, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn. From these, I have gained so much knowledge, insight and joy from the different ways to connect to the SQL Family.


I’ve been wanting a way to give back for all that I have learned so far so I took a chance and emailed Steve about the volunteer work, fully realising the very real possibility that someone who had watched the webinar in real time may have already offered and been accepted.

As you’ll find out with nearly all members of the SQL Community, there was no instant rejection. We emailed back and forth, Steve detailing who they are, what they currently do, and what they think they need to do better.

I replied with who I am, what I currently do, and what I thought I could help out with.
I think my suggestions were as long as that last line.

February 10th, expecting an apologetic yet negative reply to my last email, I got an email from Steve. He said he had talked it over with the Co-Group Leaders Mike Brumley ( t ) and Niraj Mehta, and then proceded to write to most eloquent piece of literature I have so far read.

You are in.

Why now?

I’m writing this now because I’ve had a month to try my hand in that arena, to give it a go, and see what it’s like.

I like it!

The Group Leaders have put a tremendous amount of effort into the webinars and secured well known names like Kimberly Tripp ( b | t ), Paul Randal ( b | t ), and more giving their expertise free of charge to all that attend.

Plus the cat was already out of the bag at this stage since it’s been mentioned in the pre-webinar slides.

What now?

From yourselves?

Enjoy the great content, hit us up with any questions or suggestions, and please forgive me if I ever come across as annoying on social media. I promise to try and not do that.

As for ourselves, it’s going to be pretty damn busy.

The Group Leaders are continuing to procure great talents for the webinars (believe me I’ve seen a sneak of what’s to come), we’re going to be updating the Virtual Group page to go with PASS’ new branding, and also try and get all avenues of social media to a standard where anyone can take pride in what they see.

How now brown cow?

Yeah so…a longer post than I expected to write…my bad.


Author: Shane O'Neill

DBA, T-SQL and PowerShell admirer, Food, Coffee, Whiskey (not necessarily in that order)...

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